Our Journey

How can we come back to the light? She gently whispers to you, urging you to stop doing, striving and working, and start being, receiving and resting.

Do you hear her? Let her light up the sky and illuminate all that needs to be seen to reconnect with ourselves. Let us surrender to her magical energy and allow our spirits to be free.

Nomada comes from the word nomadic and reflects the incredible nomadic journeys we have experienced around the world - the community, culture and practices that we embraced along the way to ground ourselves, find home wherever we are and shine our greatest light.

Nomada started with a simple will by friends Laura and Divya: to explore what does it truly mean to come home. To come home to our true authentic selves {our centre of gravity} where we are the happiest and flourish the most as we are in true alignment and balance. To create that safe and happy space for us to release our fears, expectations and attachments and feel confident to step into the light with renewed purpose and intention, to stand in our truth and celebrate who we are. This became ever so relevant during the pandemic when many of us were and are still working remotely.

Our journey with Nomada first started in Morocco where we shared our first magical retreat. A place that we will always hold dear to our hearts because of the community like family that we fostered, the way we co-created and empowered eachother to see our light and shine. The amazigh fibula in our logo comes from the Berber Tribe - an ode to the original Nomads of Morocco where our journey began - signifying protection, home and family. This serves as a reminder of the Nomada family and community that we seek to grow, support and inspire through our journeys together.

Each retreat is curated around our pillars of learning: Surrender, Release, Expand, Nourish and Nurture. Each retreat celebrates coming home to our true authentic selves, nourishing the soul, reconnecting with ourselves, inspiring one another and doing the things that bring us joy on a daily basis to truly live with “joie de vivre” - that unshakable sense of excitement for life. Each experience is led by our daily gurus and honours the precious heritage of our beautiful hideaways. Each moment and space is luxuriously curated to give you the most authentic experiences and meaningful connections where we have traveled and built community.